Daily Service Schedule
Monday 8:00 AM Communion Service.
Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM Mass
Sunday 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Holy Days of Obligation 8:00 AM & 6:00 PM
Saint Charles believes in community. Our desire is for each and every parishioner to be actively engaged in their faith. Please consider joining one of our ministries.
If you are a new parishioner please take a minute to register. Current parishioners may also update their Info. Please select from one of the options below:
If you have any needs please check in with our interactive sacramental prep page. Baptisms, First Communion, Confirmation, Weddings, Funerals, and more..
Saint Charles is blessed with a thriving school community. TK (Transitional Kindergarten) all the way up to 8th Grade. Please click on the Academy link here to find out more.
As a Dynamic Catholic Church Partner we offer many resources for you to use. Please check them out.
Sign up for your online giving account here. Select 'Recurring' and customize it any way you like.
Saint Charles is an Evangelical Catholic Parish. Our small group community is trained to bring light to the darkness. Join a small group today, get started by clicking the 'EC' logo
We host all videos online to be viewed at anytime. Please click logo above to go to our YouTube channel.